Bais Menachem’s Early Education Program (Kindergarten and 1st Grade) provides the student with a warm, nurturing, cooperative, and challenging environment. The Judaic Studies teachers and the General Studies teachers work in close conjunction to meet each student at their emotional, social, and developmental level.  

Kindergarten creates a strong foundation for reading, writing, and communication with hands-on, interactive activities interspersed with more academic activities. In addition to the basics, art, drama, science, and social studies are also offered.  The students engage in Readers and Writers workshops that improve their reading, writing, and listening skills. They use manipulatives and textbooks to understand basic math facts.  They engage in scientific experiments and explore their community with books, field trips, and projects.   

In 1st grade these skills are further developed as they evolve higher- level thinking skills. At Bais Menachem our goal is to educate the whole student, to instill in each not only an inquisitive and scholarly mind, but also a respect for and understanding of the rights of others, to learn to live and work in harmony with their fellow man.